University College of Engineering provides campus Wi-Fi and computing facilities for the use of faculty, staff, students and other authorized individuals in the campus.
This policy applies to all equipments that are owned UCK and also to any privately owned equipments that may be connected to the network services provided by UCK. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to become familiar with college technology resources and systems and to use them on a regular basis. Any access or use of IT resources that interferes, interrupts, or conflicts with these purposes is not acceptable and will be considered a violation of this Policy Statement. All users can access internet facility of the college only if they possess a valid user id and password issued by the Campus Wi-Fi Centre.
Users are expected to exercise responsible, ethical behavior when using these resources and to adhere to the following guidelines:
• The Internet and associated resources contain a wide variety of material and information. Information available on the Internet is not generated or selected by the UCK ITCELL. The College is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the campus network.
• The creation, display or transmittal of illegal, malicious or obscene material is prohibited.
• UCK will not be liable for the actions of anyone connecting to the Internet through College facilities. All users shall assume full liability (legal, financial, or otherwise) for their actions.
• The user is responsible for complying with laws protecting software or other accessed information. Downloading programs and files may violate copyright laws that protect information and software.
• Because of the insecure nature of transmitting files electronically, no right of privacy exists with regard to email, Internet sessions or electronic file storage and transmission. When sending or forwarding email over the campus network or the Internet, users shall identify themselves clearly and accurately. Anonymous or pseudonymous posting is expressly forbidden.
Student Account:
A student desirous of getting a Wi-Fi/Internet account will have to register for the same. Copy of the Registration Form is available in the UCEK campus Wi-Fi centre.
The filled-up Registration Form, duly recommended by the Staff Advisor, should be submitted at the UCEK campus Wi-Fi centre on any working day.
On accepting an application, the student will receive an email from Staff Advisor with him/her to forward his/her username and password (for WI-Fi / Internet access).
Staff account:
A staff desirous of getting a Wi-Fi / Internet account shall send a request by mail from his/her e-mail ID (as given in the Information Bulletin)with particulars of his/her Name, Designation and Department, addressed to UCEK Wi-Fi centre. Any change in one’s mail-ID from that listed in Information Bulletin shall be intimated in advance before sending the request.
He/she will then receive a mail from UCEK campus Wi-Fi centre with his/her username and password (for WI-Fi / Internet access).
How to login?
The details on how to activate a Wi-Fi / Internet account on receipt of a username and password will also be intimated through mail.
Usage Policy:
Wi-Fi will be available on Laptops, Desktops and in all devices .
Wi-Fi will be active in campus for 24 hours.
All social media and networking sites are currently blocked. However, such sites will be open for limited usage from 12 Noon to 1.00 PM on all days.