Research and Development Cell
The college has established Research and Development Cell (R&D) which aims to nurture research culture in our college by promoting research in newly emerging and challenging frontier areas of Engineering,Technology,Science and Humanities. It encourages the students and faculty to undertake the research in newly emerging frontier areas including multidisciplinary fields.This enhances the general research capability of budding technocrats by way of participating in conferences, seminars, workshops, project competitions,training programs etc.
Research and Development (R&D) flourishes where young minds and experienced faculty work synergistically.
The college has a Research and Development Cell which is constituted by a 4 member research committee each from four of our departments
R & D cell team
Research and Development Cell comprising of the following members
Member | Department |
Mrs.Anila Soman | ECE |
Mrs.Rekhamole G | CSE |
Mrs.Diana Mathew | IT |
Mrs.Soumya S Rajan | CHEMISTRY |
Objectives of R & D Cell
>To develop new tools and techniques to expedite problem solving with special emphasis on rural and socially relevant issues.
>To design novel methodologies in all the fields of Engineering and Technology.
>To acquire new scientific knowledge.
> Innovation-friendly society aimed at long-term development
> To have Periodical interactive session with entrepreneurs/industrialists
> To enhance skill development training and self employment opportunities
> Effective management in ph.D program.
> To organize various workshops/training/seminar related to the promotion of research.
Functionalities of Research & Development Cell
The following are the functions and responsibilities of Research and Development Cell1) To create awareness and opportunities in Research and Development among the students & faculty and to create Research and Development atmosphere in every department.
2) To identify the potential areas of research in various disciplines of engineering and form the faculty into various clusters based on their specialization.
3) To prepare and submit proposals to government agencies like AICTE,UGC,DST,DRDO etc for obtaining funded projects.
4) To encourage multi-disciplinary research internally within the institute and externally with other organizations.
5) Encourage the staff to attend/publish papers in various National/International conferences of their specialized areas.
6) To coordinate the research activities among the various departments of the college.
7) To encourage the staff to publish their research works in reputed journals that have good impact factor and are Scorpus indexed.
8) Visit various departments and meet the faculty to encourage and motivate them to undertake research projects and to scrutinize the proposals before submitting to funding agencies
In order to promote research and development activities, the college extends its full support to students/faculty/staff. Full/Partial financial support is given to all innovative research & development works taken up by the students, faculty and staff members. The college encourages students, faculty and staff to participate in National/International Conferences, Training programmes, Tech-Festivals organized by reputed institutes (IITs/NITs/State Engg. Colleges etc.) by giving full/partial financial support viz. course/registration fee, TA/DA etc.
The Research and Development cell of the College is working on the following research disciplines.
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Information Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Research and Consultancy
The Research & consultancy of this institution acts as a link between the institute and industry/ government bodies to undertake projects with specific problem, which are generally of short duration.
It is constituted to strengthen research activities among students & staff, enhance industry interaction and to enhance industry relevant research.
Major goals
> Establish and Nurture Research culture among students & staffs.
> Encourage Sponsored Research programmes & Enhance facilities.
> Provide Ambience for progressive Research.
> Engage in Collaborative Research.
>Pursue focused research towards International Expertise.
R & C team
Research and Consultancy Cell comprising of the following members
Member | Department |
Mrs.Rekhamole G | CSE |
Mrs.Anila Soman | ECE |